Джон Мэннингем. Библиография
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- The Diary of John Manningham, of the Middle Temple, and of Bradbourne, Kent, Barrister-at-law, 1602–1603 / ed. from the original manuscript by J. Bruce, and presented to the Camden Society by W. Tite. Camden Society Publications, old series. Westminster : Printed by J. B. Nichols and Sons, 1868. Vol. 99. [Издание неполное, более 50 записей редактор счел непригодными к печати.]
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- Шекспировская энциклопедия / Под ред. С. Уэллса при участии Дж. Шоу ; Пер. А. Шульгат. М. : Радуга, 2002. С. 126–127.
- Akrigg G. P. V. Twelfth Night at the Middle Temple // Shakespeare Quarterly. 1958. Vol. 9. No. 3. P. 422–424.
- Bennett R. E. John Manningham and Donne's Paradoxes // Modern Language Notes. 1931. Vol. 46. No. 5. P. 309–313.
- Burkhart, Robert E. The Playing Space in the Halls of the Inns of Court // South Atlantic Review. 1991. Vol. 56. No. 4. P. 1–5.
- D'Addario, Christopher. The Texture of the Everyday in John Manningham's Diary (1602–1603) // English Literary Renaissance. 2012. Vol. 42. No. 2. P. 203–222.
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- Klemp P. J. John Manningham's "Diary" and a Lost Whit-Sunday Sermon by Lancelot Andrewes // Studies in Bibliography. 2001. Vol. 54. P. 137–155.
- Race, Sydney. Manningham and Marston // Notes and Queries. 1957. Vol. 202. P. 69.
- Ramsey, Jarold. The Importance of Manningham's Diary // Shakespeare Studies. 1974. Vol. 7. P. 327–343.
- Smith, Bruce R. Ragging Twelfth Night: 1602, 1996, 2002–3 // A Companion to Shakespeare and Performance / Ed. by B. Hodgdon, W. B. Worthen. L. : Blackwell Publishing, 2005. P. 57–78.
- Sorlien, Robert Parker (book editor); Ramsey, Jarold (review author). The Diary of John Manningham of the Middle Temple, 1602–3 // Renaissance and Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme. 1979. Vol. 15. No. 1. P. 98–101.